Mamba Gold Corp, in partnership with local artisanal mining landowners, will bring mobile gold processing services to East Africa to increase gold recovery while eliminating dangerous chemicals during the processing.

Our Business

Mamba Gold will be a JV partner and service provider to artisanal gold producers

Identified Groups

Mamba Gold has identified a number of groups with projects that are interested in Joint Venturing with the Company

Priority of Mamba Gold

Develop cash flow through delivering mobile processing services to artisanal miners and later establishing reserves through a drill program on projects they control

High Grade Rock Gold Veins

These PML’s have high grade hard rock gold veins which are presently being exploited by artisanal miners

View Our Strategies

Current Artisanal Extraction Methods Are Harmful To Miners’ Health And The Environment

Mamba Gold’s non-chemical mobile processing facility will eliminate the associated health hazards from the use of mercury and cyanide in locations where the Company operates.

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